Coach Carol Ray
Thanks for stopping by! Whether you're looking to...
create a peaceful relationship with food, eating and/or body image ​
tame yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, binge eating or overeating
improve mental fitness and resilience in all areas of life
I've got you covered!
~Coach Carol
Who I Help
I help "successful on the outside, miserable on the inside" women in midlife overcome unhelpful eating habits like yo-yo dieting, binge eating, overeating, and food and body obsession.
get off the diet roller-coaster
reconnect to your vibrant, true-you self who has been stunted by food fears, body worry, shame and guilt
forget the same old ways of trying to change (that lead to the same old outcome)
try something new​​​
About Me
OMG did midlife creep up on you the way it did me?
I was chugging along, running a bustling successful private practice, staying active, enjoying family, friends and hobbies.
Successful on the outside, but struggling with low self-esteem, chronic stress, disordered eating, poor body image, feeling unhappy and uncomfortable in my skin...and using food and drink to avoid feeling all the feels.
Can you relate?
It took me nearly a decade to get to a place of peace and joy. Now I live a life I absolutely love! For the longest time I didn't think it was possible. Let me save you some time, and help you on your path to freedom!
My Approach
I'm a fun-forward, compassion-led coach. I love to tap into the playfulness we embraced when we were kids - when we didn't care if anyone was watching.
I'll push you at times, and I'll encourage you to get curious about what's hiding in your blindspots.
Together we'll explore some powerful tactics to help you get unstuck! But you're in control. I make suggestions - you make decisions.
Get In Touch
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor (CIEC)
Certified Eating Psychology Coach: Mind Body Eating (MBE)
Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC)
Eating Freely Binge & Emotional Eating Specialist
Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator (MVLCE)
Association for Size Diversity & Health (ASDAH) Member
Health at Every Size (HAES) Aligned
Mindful Eating Certificated
This Naked Mind Trained Life Coach (Alcohol)